Directory of open access journals [electronic resource]. DOAJ

"The DOAJ is a pan-disciplinary and lingual resource that allows users to identify and search free, full text, quality controlled open-access scientific and scholarly journals. At the time of this review, DOAJ included 1611 journals, 405 of which are searchable at the article level. In addition to offering search and browse capabilities by article or journal title, the DOAJ indexes journals by seventeen broad subject headings which can then be expanded into more specific subject listings. Each journal-level record includes the ISSN, publisher, start year, and language. As Open Access publishing becomes increasingly viable for scholarly communication, the DOAJ offers librarians and researchers a much needed high-quality tool to help them locate and access this material"--Reviewed Mar. 2005, "Best Free Reference Web Sites 2005," RUSA Quarterly, Fall 2005. Comp. by the MARS Best Free Websites Committee, RUSA, ALA.

Electronic journals--Bibliography.
Scholarly periodicals--Bibliography.
Open access publishing.
