Morbidity and mortality weekly report : MMWR / Title on main menu: CDC MMWR MMWR CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - Atlanta, GA : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, [1995]- - CD-ROMs : color ; 4 3/4 in. + booklet - 1993/1994- Ceased in 1997?

Contains Adobe Acrobat Exchange reader. Contains epidemiological software packages: Epi info, Epi map, Statistical software for public health surveillance, 1993/1994- Title from title screen. CDC publications included in CD-ROM also available on the Internet. Address as of 1/31/05:; current access is available via PURL.

Issues are cumulative from 1993, i.e. issue for 1997 covers 1993-1997.

Contains the yearly accumulation of selected full-text CDC publications including: Morbidity and mortality weekly report, MMWR recommendations and reports, and CDC surveillance summaries.

System requirements(Windows): IBM-386 or compatible system; Windows 3.1; 4M RAM; 4M hard disk space; CD-ROM drive.
System requirements(Macintosh): Macintosh 68020; System software 7.0; 4M RAM; 4M hard disk space; CD-ROM drive.
System requirements(UNIX): Sun SPARCstation workstation; Solaris 1.1 OS software; OpenWindows v. 3 or Motif v1.1.2 window manager; 8M RAM; 14M hard disk space; CD-ROM drive.
System requirements(DOS): IBM-386 or compatible; DOS 3.3; 2M RAM; 5M hard disk space; CD-ROM drive.

Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, D.C. 20402

sn 95043847

Diseases--United States--Statistics.
Mortality--United States.
Public health--United States.
Disease Outbreaks--epidemiology.
Communicable Diseases--epidemiology.
Public health.

United States--Statistics, Medical.
United States--Statistics, Vital.
United States.
United States.

Medical statistics.
Vital statistics.
Vital statistics.


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